
Fixing Mistakes

time´s power

I wanna have this power because it´s the greates that exist but exist other greats power.

This power is
beast becouse it´s attributed for many good things for example you can stop the time and ridiculo someone lol xD. Also if somethig goes wrong you can turn back the time and re-do. And much more things this power would become very funny. ok think this power is best compared with the others onle think... you can do things very funny and for the sake. Yeah this power is cool.

I wanna have this power because it's the greatest that exist, but also exist other greats powers.

This power is the best because it's attributed for many good things, for example, you can stop the time and ridiculize someone LOL xD. Also if something goes wrong, you can turn back the time and do it again, and there are much more things this power would become very funny. Ok, I think this power is the best compared with the others, only think... You can do very funny things and for the sake. Yeah, this power is cool.

Chile´s reconstruccion

By the destruction(the hoses (?), roads, etc ) caused by the earthquake of 27/02/10 Chile need reconstruccion all the things that were destroyed by earthquake. Some youngs go to help the most afected area(``un techo para chile´´ call the youngs and for this reason more youngs go to help). Teleton put money to help the affected areas(asked to people to collaborate, of course).

Because of the destruction (the hoses (?), roads, etc) caused by the earthquake of 27/02/10, Chile needs to reconstruct all the things that were destroyed by the earthquake. Some people are going to help the most affected areas ("Un techo para chile" call the people to help and for this reason more people are going to help). Teletón put money to help the affected areas (Asking people to collaborate, of course).

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